Get To Know Me!

Howdy friends and new friends. Figured since I've now got newsletter access and have probably made it to a few new people's feeds for the first time, I could probably stand to have a new introduction of sorts. I'm DJ Regular, and as my website tagline says, I'm a writer, music lover, and TTRPG fan.
If you're new here and found me through Bluesky or this blog, you probably know me from my weekly new music posts, What's Good. The origin of What's Good is my college radio show of the same name, where once a week, I'd play my favorite Hip Hop joints from all the submissions I'd receive from radio servicing companies, record labels, and artists. I've kept up doing it in some form since then, off and on, eventually landing on the format that you can see here every Friday. Wanna know where to start if you're new? The recently released Year-In-Review couldn't hurt.
But dig around in the weekly drops, if for no other reason to peruse their YouTube, Tidal, and BNDCMPR playlists at your leisure.

This week's is quite buttery. See, on account of the pancakes. Shout out NAHreally.
Next to being in love with music, I'm also in love with games, tabletop role-playing games to be specific. A family friend noted my embarrassing obsession stuff dark, goth-adjacent media (chiefly, a weather-beaten Kitchen Sink Press edition of J. O'Barr's The Crow) and gifted me the 2nd Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade, and it has been curtains for me ever since. I've got from playing and running games for friends, to making my own. You can see everything I've released or am currently working on my website, but I've highlighted some of them in this re-post of my Cohost (RIP) introduction to my work:

If you're looking for specific recommendations, I'm pretty proud of what would be the first thing I made and released for purchase myself, SHOOT THE GIFT, a playset for the Paragon System (the engine behind Evil Hat Productions' AGON) that's inspired by regional Hip Hop scenes, road trips, and dystopian young adult fiction. I also wrote a piece of interactive fiction for it as an intro to the world that people seem to dig.

Also, have this "Sample Mix" video playlist that collects songs and video ephemera that inspired the game.
There's also stuff I've got cooking that's not quite ready for public consumption yet, like my Cortex Prime-powered superhero TTRPG More Than Human. Playtesting for it will resume later this year, but in the meantime, you can get a look at the "special news report" website I put together on the world of the game at its official website (and get your hands on some playtest materials).

I've also done a lot of work with Saving Throw, the TTRPG community and content studio founded by my dog Dom Zook, starting off as a moderator for their Twitch channel, and eventually helping to create stuff for them, including as a player in their Actual Plays, like this DuckTales Savage Worlds game for one of their annual ALZ charity events:
If the timestamp doesn't work, you can jump to it at 3:57:47 (but the Deadlands game with Rose and Nik is great, too)
And as a writer, with some work on a few episodes of their Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Review series:
I wrote "Character Creation pt. 2" and "Errata pt. 2"
Along with weekly What's Good posts, I'm going to try to get better about posting more of my other writing and other in-progress work here, like my Feng Shui (a TTRPG inspired by action flicks) project, Kakurega:

Or my upcoming action-horror investigation game Flyover:

So if you'd like to get put onto game (ha, ha) as soon as possible, be sure to hit that Subscribe button in the lower right corner, and you'll get every post I make in your email. Alternately, if you're into RSS readers, just use the feed link up at the top of the page. The fun thing with that is that you can customize that feed pretty easily just by adding a tag in use on the site to the end of the URL. So if you just want What's Good, add /whats-good. Just the TTRPG stuff? /ttrpgs. So on, and so on, but I doubt I'll ever post more than once or twice a week, so you're not gonna get spammed if you just followed the whole feed.
Anyhow, that's me. Thanks for coming through. Tell a friend to tell a friend, and feel free to ask me any questions, or just say hi in the comments down below. Since you took the time to get to know me, I'd be glad to get to know you too.
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